

The Advantages of Purchasing Restroom Supplies from Your Cleaning Provider

As a manager, ensuring your facility is clean and fully stocked is an important part of your role. This likely includes ordering restroom supplies such as toilet paper, soap, paper towels, trash liners, urinal screens, and air fresheners. These tasks involve managing stock levels, coordinating deliveries, comparing prices, and reviewing invoices. While necessary, these responsibilities Continue Reading

Common Misconceptions About Cleaning Companies: Separating Fact from Fiction

Misunderstandings about cleaning companies are widespread and can lead to poor decisions when hiring a service provider. To help you make an informed choice, let’s clear up four common myths that often cloud people’s judgment about janitorial services. Myth #1: Larger Companies Are Always Better Many believe that bigger cleaning companies deliver superior service, but Continue Reading

Is Your Cleaning Service Shopping at Wal-Mart for Supplies? 4 Signs of a Professional Janitorial Company

When it comes to choosing a janitorial service, it’s easy to overlook small details like where they purchase their cleaning supplies. However, details like this can reveal a lot about the company’s commitment to professionalism and quality. Here are four key signs that you’re working with a professional, reliable janitorial company. 1. Service Tailored to Continue Reading

Why Janitor Pay Matters to Your Business: A Comprehensive Overview

In the often-overlooked world of janitorial services, understanding how much janitors get paid is crucial for your business. This information not only satisfies curiosity but also affects the quality of service, employee satisfaction, and the overall success of your chosen cleaning service. Let’s delve into the significance of janitorial compensation and how it impacts your Continue Reading

Is Your Janitorial Company Breaking the Law? The Risks of Using Independent Contractors

In every industry, there are companies that engage in questionable business practices, and the janitorial industry is no exception. One of the most common unethical practices is misclassifying employees as independent contractors to save money on taxes. This not only skirts the law but also often exploits workers, particularly immigrants. A Case Study: Jan-Pro in Continue Reading

Navigating Termination of Your Janitorial Contract: Understanding Your Options

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to exit your current janitorial contract? Many clients find themselves contemplating this question, especially when the quality of cleaning or service deteriorates significantly. Here’s a breakdown of whether you can legally terminate your janitorial contract, with answers ranging from a definitive “no” to a possible “yes.” “No” – Continue Reading

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