

“I Don’t Have Time to Write a Janitorial RFP” How to Write an Effective Janitorial RFP in less than 1 Hour

One of the most common barriers keeping companies from making a needed change in janitorial vendors is the time it takes to prepare a request for proposal (RFP). In this article you will find a janitorial RFP framework and example text. Using this framework, you could submit an RFP to potential vendors in as little Continue Reading

Is Your Janitorial Company Breaking the Law? The Risks of Using Independent Contractors

In every industry, there are companies that engage in questionable business practices, and the janitorial industry is no exception. One of the most common unethical practices is misclassifying employees as independent contractors to save money on taxes. This not only skirts the law but also often exploits workers, particularly immigrants. A Case Study: Jan-Pro in Continue Reading

Navigating Termination of Your Janitorial Contract: Understanding Your Options

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to exit your current janitorial contract? Many clients find themselves contemplating this question, especially when the quality of cleaning or service deteriorates significantly. Here’s a breakdown of whether you can legally terminate your janitorial contract, with answers ranging from a definitive “no” to a possible “yes.” “No” – Continue Reading

Four Questions to Ask Before Selecting Your Next Cleaning Service

Choosing a new cleaning service can seem daunting. Concerns about their performance, the smoothness of their start-up phase, and the potential for even more complaints than your previous service are all valid. Ideally, you’re looking for a hassle-free experience where cleaning concerns are off your plate. To ensure you’re partnering with a cleaning company that Continue Reading

The Hidden Risks of Cleaning: The Importance of Avoiding Cross-Contamination

Brace yourself for a fact that, once known, can’t be forgotten. It concerns the sanitation practices—or lack thereof—of some cleaning companies. Without established cleaning protocols and proper training, it’s possible that the cloths used to clean your office space might be the same ones used in the bathrooms. Here’s how it might happen: a cleaner Continue Reading

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